custom carpet runner in SUNOL

custom carpet runner SUNOL
custom carpet runner in SUNOL.You simply supply the artwork and leave the rest to us.For about the same price that other companies will charge to screenprint your logo on lowgrade inferior carpet, our experienced carpet designers will handcraft a completely custom carpet runner to your exact specifications.
Our artists start with an image that you provide, then scale it to the dimensions you desire.
After precisely matching the colors and textures you require to our exstensive line of premium carpeting, they painstakingly handcut each element of your image and peice them together to form a seemingly seamless custom carpet creation.
Printed logo rugs show wear quickly and look cheap.
Our handcrafted logo rugs will last longer and leave your guests with the impression of luxury and quality you want them to associate with your brand or special event.
We offer custom beveled rugs and a variety of other custom cutting options.
We can cut and bind a rug in just about any shape and use bevelling to add tactile and visual dimension to your special event runner.
trade carpet in CURTIS trade carpet CURTIS
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