ball carpet

ball carpet
ball carpet::It is often found at camps and in youth facilities.The end pockets are deep enough for a standard pool ball and should be broad enough that most balls will drop in, but not so broad that a ball moving with great force will not ricochet off.
Carpetball is played using standard.
The cue ball is used similar to conventional pool.
While carpetball may be played with five balls on a side, games with only three or four balls on a side are not uncommon.
This generally occurs when balls have been lost.
If a ball goes into the tray and then bounces out, it is still in play.
In the event of a tie, start over with only one ball.
Add a ball with each tie, and eventually continue the rotation.
One end of the table is where the current winner plays, and the other end is where the opponent plays.
Starting at the latter is one line of challengers waiting to play.
The first challenger in line competes against the new winner.
Orchallengers wait in two lines at either end of the table on opposite sides.
If a player loses, the challenger at the beginning of the line at that end replaces them.
Rules on how to deal with runaway balls have significant regional variations.
These rules are important for safety reasons to discourage wild throws.
Knocking a ball out of the table.
Orallows the opponent to replace the ball anywhere as a penalty.
Orforces the thrower to take down one of their own balls.
Orif it is the cue ball, the opponent replaces all their balls.
Pattern of initial ball placement is the primary strategy decision in carpetball.
There are many variations on these schemes.
ball carpet::Carpet ball is a very entertaining game ball carpet
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